恭賀!陳怡伶學程主任指導寰外學生和3位外籍生通過中鼎SDG Carnival 競賽初選,全台只有12隊獲選晉級參賽!



大家好,我們是TINA(The International Nature Activists),由來自史瓦濟蘭、印尼、越南,及台灣的靜宜在校生組成。很高興可以成功的通過由財團法人中鼎基金會所舉辦的2021第七屆探索台灣120h-永續嘉年華初選,並同時開始進行第二階段的徵選。從剛開始的認識SDGs、磨合、討論,到熬夜趕進度,令我們彼此的默契更加堅定。也因為大家來自不同的國家,使我們能夠有許多話題交流彼此對時事的看法及各國的風俗民情。在這裡也感謝在過程中不斷幫助我們的師長們,不厭其煩地為我們講解及與我們更深入的探討SDGs。還記得在報名的最後一晚,我們為了能完美地讓評審們了解到我們是最值得被選的組別,大家熬夜討論到凌晨,在雨中四處尋找可以充電的地方,雖然最後沒找到,但大家依然迅速地回到自己的住所繼續堅持到最後,才能通過初選。然而現階段我們仍然不能鬆懈,得更加努力的把接下來的企劃書撰寫的更好,使其能得到主辦方的認可,被選為活動中的隊伍之一,實踐我們規畫的SDGs之旅,用我們小小的力量,為這個世界對於永續發展做一點貢獻,同時也能為靜宜爭光!


Hello, everyone! We are TINA (The International Nature Activists) consists of 3 international students from the business school and 1 Taiwanese student from the foreign education program at Providence University. The members are Abraham (Indonesia), Cheryl (Vietnam), Thando (Swaziland), and Maggie (Taiwan). It is our honor to succeed through the initial phase of “2021 The 7th Taiwan in my eyes 120h-SDGs Carnival” selection by CTCI Education Foundation, and now we are going to work on the itinerary part. We developed our chemistry strongly from the beginning of learning about SDGs to catching up on the progress. Although we all came from different counties, we respect each other for different opinions and cultures to gatther our ideas. Also, we would like to appreciate assistance from the professors in PU to make us learn more about SDGs cognition. We still remembered that last night, in order to perfectly let the judges understand that we were the one must be chosen, we stayed up late to discuss and were looking for a place to find a socket in the rain. That is why we are picked up for the first round. Now we still need to be work much harder to create the best proposal for ensuring that we will be one of the teams in the activity. In short, we can implement the SDGs from our plan to make a contribution to the world.