
1. Today was the first time for me to use a robot in class. First of all, it was so much fun. The robot can make different facial expressions, it can recognize cards, dance, sing, and can easily do things that humans can do. I also thought it was very good to learn English using a robot because it is fun. However, our generation has never learned about robots, so I was very envious that they are now introducing these robots to elementary schools. I look forward to teaching elementary school students in the future.
2. 上實用英語口語訓練的課程時,老師請來了樂奇育科技文教事業的高維隆老師來為我們介紹凱比機器人,在上課的過程當中講師一邊介紹關於它的一些基本功能以及特色,一邊讓我們能夠實際的去操作它,我覺得這種上課模式不僅很有趣生動,同時也能使我們在玩樂的過程當中去學習,達到一舉兩得的作用。