20231026 日南國中國際教育分享

20231026 國際教育分享
本校國際生Collines到日南國中進行國際教育分享! 與該校師生互動融洽,分享烏干達風俗民情,帶於學生新視野!!
"I recently had the privilege of participating in a cross-cultural exchange session at Rinnan High School.
The session was highly interactive, with students showing keen interest as I discussed Ugandan culture.
I was particularly impressed by the students' ability to recall information I had previously shared in a presentation.
Sharing insights about my country and culture with students in Taiwan is always a rewarding experience, and I am thankful for the ongoing support from the GFLEP department, which enables me to do so."
#靜宜大學 #寰宇外語教育學士學位學程 #寰外#日南國中