20231123 國際教育分享-介紹印尼文化

20231123 國際教育分享
Happy Thanksgiving!! 本校國際生Nicole到日南國中與師生互動,介紹印尼文化,讓同學們不用出國也可以了解到印尼的各項資訊,並且與同學們一起享用感恩大餐共度美好的晚餐時光。 以下為Nicole的分享!
I’m very thankful for this opportunity to go to Rinan Junior High School and share my life experience in my home country. The teachers and students were very warm and welcoming. I think that this is a very good program so that we can learn from each other and recognize our culture’s similarities and differences. Not just sharing, teacher April was too kind to prepare food and invite the students and me to celebrate Thanksgiving and have a dinner with sense of togetherness and kinship. I hope that all of the students and teachers in Rinan Junior High School are followed blessed abundantly.