20240108 日南國中國際教育分享

This is Arun Bhattarai from India. I recently had a very interesting opportunity of sharing my culture, traditions and life experiences to junior high school students.
I was very pleased to meet them and the administration of Rinan Junior High School, they were extremely welcoming, Pei-Chun April was my coordinator, An extremely happy and energetic person who introduced me to most of the teachers in her school, The students were a little bit familiar about my culture, They knew about the movies and foods in my country which made me very happy. It is always nice to know more people outside of your culture and talk to them about their daily life, I did that with those students, they were very energetic and keen to know about my country, I also shared some of my experiences, my favorite food, drinks and other stuffs that I did in Taiwan.
Sharing culture of my country has always been a good experience for me and I am also gradually learning the cultures and traditions of Taiwan which is truly fascinating. I thanks GFLEP for giving me this opportunity and I will be looking forward to more of these opportunities.